Can I just say it? I love my round columns! And I'm glad I didn't let anybody talk me out of them. But they have posed a few challenges for our rough-in carpenter, and he is still working through a few issues, namely an interior column set to be at the foot of the stairs, forming a wall between two round columns on the screened-in porch where the outdoor kitchen will be, and now the tricky business of the column caps sticking out on the side entry. But he appreciates how those round columns fit into my vision for the house and has been creative in his solutions for these issues.
In the meantime, framing continues while I am fine-tuning color choices for the roof and the exterior trim (How many different shades of white can there be?) and following up on my daily assignments and midnight thoughts and ideas. I'm also considering exterior trim choices and have never paid such close attention to window trim and soffets.
In the photo to the right, you are on the front porch facing the garage. Below you are in the backyard looking at the back porch.
I went by the lot this morning and found we now have a ceiling over the first level. They were laying out the second floor today and had started on the coffer ceiling in the dining room.
Wow! It is really coming along now.
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