February 21, 2011

Moving Target

The goal over the next few days is to get our certificate of occupancy, and the remaining tasks are prioritized as such. At the same time, the best and worst of our personalities are coming through. The pressure is on, and every day is critical. We've pushed back our moving date to the beginning of March and are hoping that target doesn't shift further.

Over the weekend, I was thrilled to see the transoms installed. My dear friend Tonya made all six of these custom glass pieces, and for as long as we live in this house, we will always think of her quiet, sweet spirit and her unshakable faith as she has pushed through life raising her daughters on her own.

Also this weekend, another significant sign that we are almost there: The mailbox was installed. Good thing, because we are starting the process to change our address. We are just days away.

Newly stained front door

Yes, you can screen in a porch with round columns!

Stairs, still awaiting more ballusters

February 16, 2011

So Close, Yet So Far

At one point, we optimistically thought we would be moving this week, but reality dictates a few more weeks. We are hoping to move the last few days of the month.

But we are all back in the house this week. The floors are done. They mostly are covered with paper for their protection, but in a few spots you can catch a glimpse, and they are gorgeous. Today, the hardwood floor crew dyed the the stairs as well as the countertops in Randy's office and on the entertainment center.

The electricians have been working to finish installing the lighting and electrical trim, the painters are hard at work, and the cleaners have arrived. It is a very busy place and will be even more so tomorrow. The goal now is to finish everything that needs to be completed before the inspection for our certificate of occupancy, which we hope to call in late next week.

February 9, 2011

Shut Out

The hardwood floors are being finished this week, so no one is allowed in the house. I may try to peek in tomorrow, though. Our project manager is estimating we will have about 8 to 10 days of work to complete after the floors are finished before we can get our occupancy permit. We are very close and are in a holding pattern on all fronts until the completion of the floors.

Over the weekend, I snapped a few pictures. The painters were able to paint all of the rooms before they were shut out. They do have a few spots to complete when everyone is able to get back in, but overall, the painting is about 98 percent completed.

Ceiling in dining room

Ceiling in sitting room


Porch bath

Front foyer

Entertainment center in great room

February 2, 2011

The Final Stretch

During the last couple of years, our family has gotten hooked on HGTV to the point where I recently overheard the girls playing "House Hunters" with their dollhouses. Of course, the climax of the home improvement shows is the "reveal," when the homeowner comes in to see what the show's designer and crew has done with the space. The homeowner's response is usually one of shock and delight. I know the feeling; I experience it every day I pay a visit to the job site and see the dramatic changes that are taking place.

I hesitate to use the term, "job site," these days because our project is quickly becoming a home. The painters have finished the upstairs and are working on the first floor, while the hardwood floor crew has begun sanding the floor on the second level. Our project manager is lining up the necessary crew to finish the outdoor kitchen and begin work on the screened-in porch. We caught a break earlier this week when we passed three inspections in one day: landscaping (to ensure we did not cut down trees credited in our "tree bank"), lot grading, and the buffer. The purpose of the latter is to ensure we have not encroached upon the wetland buffer established by the Army Corps of Engineers along the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. We own the property, but in keeping with regulations, we are not allowed to disturb the vegetation between the buffer line and the water.

By week's end, the hardwood floor crew will toss everyone out of the house so they can finish their work. They are expected to be on site through next week, finishing the floors as well as the stairs and a few side projects, like the front door and select countertops. Once they are out, we will be on the downhill run to finish this house. And we are close. The appliances are in, and a good portion of the lighting and plumbing fixtures are installed. While the last half of the month will be a mad dash, we are on target to move in by the end of February.

Porch bath fixtures
Bonus room painted and ready for floor finishing

Girls' bathroom

Grill for outdoor kitchen