January 5, 2011


On Tuesday morning I walked into my dream mudroom to find the installers putting in the wrong granite. Actually, it's the right granite -- just the wrong finish. The paperwork was clear; I just didn't catch the mistake and am still pondering what to do. While many, many women around the world still wash clothes on a rock in a stream, I was holding back tears of disappointment over the granite countertops in my laundry room. It's really a shameful problem to have and illustrates a question that has been my constant companion during this experience: Why us? My only answer to this question comes from Luke 12:48b: "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked."

For this reason, my daily visits to the house are becoming more emotional. I'm nervous about getting the details right, and at the same time, I am overwhelmed that this beautiful house is soon to become our home, that we will soon awake to the sound of mullets splashing in the water and sailboats passing by.

Randy, in the meantime, has diligently been building the closet built-ins, and he is almost finished -- just a bit of trim here and a few more shelves there. His designs have made excellent use of the space, and his work has impressed the painters, who are adding the finishing touches.

This week has brought much progress, as seen in the latest photos.

Homework/entertainment center in kids' loft

Bunk room with first coat of paint

Entertainment center in great room

Painted bead board ceiling in kitchen

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