February 21, 2011

Moving Target

The goal over the next few days is to get our certificate of occupancy, and the remaining tasks are prioritized as such. At the same time, the best and worst of our personalities are coming through. The pressure is on, and every day is critical. We've pushed back our moving date to the beginning of March and are hoping that target doesn't shift further.

Over the weekend, I was thrilled to see the transoms installed. My dear friend Tonya made all six of these custom glass pieces, and for as long as we live in this house, we will always think of her quiet, sweet spirit and her unshakable faith as she has pushed through life raising her daughters on her own.

Also this weekend, another significant sign that we are almost there: The mailbox was installed. Good thing, because we are starting the process to change our address. We are just days away.

Newly stained front door

Yes, you can screen in a porch with round columns!

Stairs, still awaiting more ballusters

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